The following ads are from the "Zero Fatalities" campaign. The first one actually coordinates with a TV spot (see the post below) and does a good job at reminding people that your irresponsible driving will not only affect you, but someone else's father, mother, sister, brother friend, etc. When people are driving recklessly with an invincible attitude, I doubt they're thinking of the far-reaching consequences.
Click on the picture to read the ad in more detail.
This ad targets what many teens (and everyone in general) values: your face. Appearance is very crucial to the confidence and self-identification of the teen years and this ad hits the nail on the head. What do you think?

To see the rest of the ads/radio spots/TV spots
click here
These are really impressive ads! They make you stop and think about the issue. I know that when I'm driving, I'm not usually thinking about the other people in the other cars, but it is good to stop and think that these are people that have families and have lives just like me.
The ads are a great start to increase public awareness about the dangers of texting while driving. Most people would admit that it increases your risk of having an accident, however, most people don't realize the horrific implications. According to,
"do we take responsibility for our actions and vow to stop texting while driving (even with legislation)...NO!"
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