Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wall Street Journal Article highlights Utah's Texting While Driving efforts

Go HERE to read the WSJ article, which highlights Utah's efforts and mentions the release of Zero Fatalities' impactful video. The article also goes over some of the new technologies that block or make cell phone-distracted driving more difficult for those who are truly addicted (we probably should apply some self-control rather than having devices block our use, but I know, it is difficult. I'm overcoming a cell phone addiction myself).

Also in the news is a shocking British ad (Europe usually leads the way in the shocking ad category). I post it here with caution - it is very graphic and it makes me sick, but if it gets someone to be more aware and cautious and SAVES LIVES, then maybe it has some worth.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Please don't let this be you

Unless you have maimed or killed someone yourself because of texting while driving, I don't think you understand its tragic impact. I know I didn't until I watched this video.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Texting back on the mind...

I've been neglecting this blog the last six months, but my thoughts lately have returned to texting while driving, especially as Utah has now enacted a ban on texting while driving (TWD). However, I'm not too optimistic about the enforcement of the new law. Even though it's a primary offense, from the words of a police officer himself: it is almost impossible to tell if someone is texting or just dialing on his phone! Also, teens feel like they can very easily get around the law by hiding their phone below the window as they text. Hopefully though, the added fines and penalties from accidents caused from TWD will be a sore reminder to those who cause accidents. Here's an example:

Earlier this week, an 18 year-old friend of my sister's slammed into a car in front of him going at least 70 miles an hour on the freeway. He was texting. They had to cut the totaled car open to pull him out, but miraculously, he is alive, with only six stitches on his forehead as a reminder. Thankfully, this incident woke up the teen and hopefully other teens out there. Very soon after the crash, he posted a warning loud and clear on his facebook status: Don't text while driving!!

I will admit, I'm not perfect. I do talk on my phone while driving and it will probably take a law to make me stop. However, I have greatly reduced my TWD after learning more about the dangers. Like many out there, I'm a cell phone addict so it's almost painful to not at least read a text while driving, but I do know I don't want to be slamming into cars on the freeway at 70 miles an hour. If not for myself, I want to preserve my life for my family and those that I care about so much. I also would do anything to preserve the lives of the innocent other drivers on the road.

If you come across this blog and you have a personal story to share about texting while driving or any other feelings or experiences, PLEASE SHARE!